Wednesday 7 December 2011

Group Meeting 7/12/11

Ok, so today, we discussed the details of our recce pictures and also the direction we plan to take in terms of actuall shooting. The storyboard was finished completely, though we all understood that shots and scenes may be changed in accordance with feelings on the day.

We've also found a great group of musicians who are willing to work with us to produce an original thrilleresque track to be used for our final thriller piece - Dead By Alliance. We'll be breifing them within the next week , and working from then on, on the track.

It was decided that we would experiment with different fields in the film process that we wanted to have a go at or felt we should get to grips with: So the filming will be primarily done by Joe on the 19th and Abbie on the 20th, with Maisy doing the main amount of editing in the first week of January.

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