Sunday 4 December 2011

Actors Pictures (& Pictures of relevenace towards the shoot)

We have permission to use these photos in our shoot and for our blog.

 Main actor: James Mann. He has already said that he will be able for the shoot on Monday 19th December & Tuesday 20th December. Amy (girl in the picture with him) may possibly be used. Waiting to hear back from our second main actor.

We decided to use these actors as we decided that they would be the best suitable to portray our characters. Overall our piece will contain 3 characters (including connor featured in a later post). James will play our main character whose stroy will be followed by the audience. He will portray a man who has OCD whose family has dissapeared and he is trying to find them.
Amy will play the girlfriend/wife of James's character. She will feature in the jump cut alongside James.
Connor will play the mysterious character who is seen lurking behind James's character in most shots. The audoence will never see Connors whole face, only the bottom half as we want to keep the audience interested and intrigued.

We decided to use these actrors because they are known by members in the group so we know we can trust them. Also we wanted actors who looked older for their age but still mainting that youthfull look as we didnt want to use older actors.

1 comment:

  1. This needs to be complete - how many actors, what role are they playing - why are they suitable?
